
Algorithm Visualizer

This project allows user to visually see how some algorithms are sorted. It is built using Typescript, React and Vanilla JS. The algorithms currently available are Merge sort, Bubble sort and Selection Sort.

Technologies used: React, VanillaJS, TypeScript, HTML, CSS

Algorithm Visualizer


This application is perfect for all the chefs looking for a good recipe! This application allows users to view and share their favorite recipes. Users are also able to include a picture of the prepared meal on the recipe.

Technologies used: React, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Node.JS, MySQL


Weather Dashboard

Weather Dashboard is an application which allows you to see the weather anywhere in the world! This application gives you the current weather, wind speed, humidity and UV index! This application will also provide the user with a 5 day forecast of the weather!

Technologies used: React, VanillaJS, TypeScript, HTML, CSS

Weather Dashboard